Monday, May 23, 2011

First post!

This post officially marks the commencement of my blog.  I have to admit that I'm new to "blogging"and I've resisted the whole thing for a while.  But I don't think it will be too difficult to learn the ropes and it's a good discipline for me.

For those of you who don't know, I recently graduated from Duke University.  I had a wonderful four years and made some wonderful friends for life.  I'm going to miss so much about Duke: the incredible opportunities, the intellectual challenges, the library.  But mostly, I'm going to miss the beautiful campus, amazing weather, and people.  However, just like all good things/experiences, "nothing gold can stay."  So my college career has come to an end and a new chapter of my life begins.  Ultimately, I'm hoping to go to medical school at some point in the future.  I haven't really set a definitive timeline.  But my post-Duke plans are centered on going to medical school in the next couple of years.

And while I'm sad to be leaving Duke behind, I'm excited for my future.  Also, it's hard for me to get too sentimental about Duke as I'll be back in Durham for next year.  Next year I will be participating in a fellowship through the Duke Chapel--the Pathways Fellowship.  I will be living with other fellows and students in a house in intentional community while discerning my vocational calling and goals.  I have an internship with two doctors who teach within the Duke Divinity school: Dr. Barfield and Dr. Kinghorn.  I honestly cannot express how excited I am to be learning from these two, and I am extremely grateful for such an opportunity.  Over the course of the internship I will be exploring the relationship between theology and medicine.  Generally, this next year I will be studying medicine and the healing process from a holistic and human perspective.  I already know that the year will be an awesome experience and I eagerly look forward to getting back to Durham.

In the mean time, I'm home in Johnson City, TN for the summer.  This summer I will be working in the ETSU Patient Simulation Lab.  Once again, I am so fortunate to have an exciting and educational internship ahead of me.  The Sim Lab offers great hands-on experience and valuable practical medical knowledge.  This may not sound that exciting to some of you. . . . But I am thrilled to be working there this summer.

I suppose I should explain the purpose, or end, of this blog.  It's really pretty straightforward.  I figured that I'm going to be learning and experiencing a myriad of different things this next year.  Rather than simply relying on my memory, I hope to catalog some of those experiences here.  Essentially, this blog will function as a place for me to reflect and ruminate.  From time to time, I might update it for other purposes.  I can't make any promises about what this blog will be, or become.  Also, I can't promise you that it will be interesting. . . Although, it will be useful for me!  I'm sure the blog will evolve over time and I'm sure I'll get into a routine, but for the time being, I'm still trying to figure it out.

Officially a blogger now,


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